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Rice Related Publications


  1. Amgain, N.R., Fan, Y., Van Weelden, M.T., Rabbany, A. and Bhadha, J.H., 2022. From Ground to Grain: Tracing Phosphorus and Potassium in Flooded Rice Cultivar Grown on Histosols. Agriculture, 12(8), p.1250.

  2. Amgain, N.R., Martens-Habbena, W. and Bhadha, J.H., 2022. Effect of Dry and Flooded Rice as Cover Crops on Soil Health and Microbial Community on Histosols. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 11(4), pp.1-40.

  3. Amgain N.R., Rabbany A., Galindo S, Bhadha J.H., 2021 Effects of Water Management Strategies and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Rice Yield Cultivated on Histosols. J Rice Res Dev 4(1):331-337.

  4. Barbier M., Rabbany A, and Bhadha J.H., 2021 Assessing the Effect of Basalt Rock Fines, Activated Humic substances and Its Interaction on Rice Growth and Yield. J Rice Res 9: 260

  5. Amgain N.R., Zacharias Q., Rabbany A, and Bhadha J.H., 2021 Effect of Sulfur on Rice Water Quality, Nutrient Uptake, and Yields Grown on Shallow Histosols. J Rice Res Dev 4(1):324-330

  6. Duersch, B.G., Bhadha, J.H., Root, T.L. and Louda, J.W., 2020. The role of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Sequestering Phosphorus Compounds and Trace Elements: Speciation and dynamics. Science of The Total Environment, 725, p.138366.

  7. Bhadha, J.H., Khatiwada, R., Tootoonchi, M. and Capasso, J., 2020. Interpreting Redox Potential (Eh) and Diffusive Fluxes of Phosphorus (P) and Nitrate (NO3−) from Commercial Rice Grown on Histosols. Paddy and Water Environment, 18(1), pp.167-177.

  8. Tootoonchi, M., Bhadha, J., Lang, T. and Daroub, S.H., Effect of Shallow Flooding and Midseason Drainage on Rice Yield and Rice Water Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Infestation. In ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2020)| VIRTUAL. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.

  9. Bhadha, J.H., Mukhopadhyay, S., Andrews, C. and VanWeelden, M., 2019. Rice Physiology, Products, and Critical Steps Associated with Postharvest Operations in Southern Florida: SS-AGR-438/AG438, 9/2019. EDIS, 2019(5), pp.5-5.

  10. Bhadha, J., Khatiwada, R., Galindo, S., Xu, N. and Capasso, J., 2018. Evidence of T benefits of flooded rice compared to fallow practice. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 7(526-2020-492), pp.31-41.

  11. Tootoonchi, M., Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., McCray, J.M., Clark, M.W. and Daroub, S.H., 2018. Reducing Drainage Water Phosphorus Concentration with Rice Cultivation Under Different Water Management Regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 205, pp.30-37.

  12. Bhadha, J.H., Trotta, L. and VanWeelden, M., 2016. Trends in Rice Production and Varieties in the Everglades Agricultural Area: SL439/SS653, 5/2016. EDIS, 2016(6), pp.3-3.

  13. Bhadha, M.T. and Vanweelden, J.H., 2016. Arsenic Accumulation in Rice (Oryza sativa): An Overview. Int. J. Environ. e Agric. Res., 2(4), pp.72-75.

  14. Bhadha, J.H., Alvarez, O., Lang, T.A., Giurcanu, M.C. and Daroub, S.H., 2016. Growth Efficacy of Sorghum and Rice amended with Dried Versus Composted Aquatic Vegetation. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 5(526-2016-37885).

  15. Cherry, R., Tootoonchi, M., Bhadha, J., Lang, T., Karounos, M. and Daroub, S., 2015. Effect of Flood Depth on Rice Water Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Populations in Florida Rice Fields. Journal of Entomological Science, 50(4), pp.311-317.

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